Product catalog
Active Complexes
Actives and Peptides for Cosmetics
Amino Acids
Food Flavorings
Gelling Agents and Thickeners
Hydrosols and Floral Waters
Hydrolyzed Proteins
Fragrant and aromatic substances
Acids, Salts, Alcohols, and Alkalis
Preservatives and Antioxidants
Cosmetic Raw Materials
Dyes, Pearlescents, and Glitters
Face Masks, Scrubs, and Dried Flowers
Natural Base Oils for Cosmetics
Candle Supplies
Melt and Pour Soap Bases
Fragrance Oils
Peelings for Skin
Herbal Powders and Plant
Silicones and Conditioning Surfactants for Hair
Packaging for Cosmetics and Perfumes
Molds, Packaging, Tools
Organic Extracts
Emollients for Cosmetics
Essential Oils
Refine section
- Flash Tattoo 12
- Dietary supplements 462
- Everything for bombs and geysers 227
- Soap Bouquet Crafting Materials 764
- Slime Supplies: Ingredients and Additives 574
- All for Shampoos 303
- Everything for Chocolate Hobby 89
- DIY Perfume Supplies 934
- Components for deodorants 97
- Soap Making Ingredients from Scratch 93
- Components for lipstick, balm, lip gloss 377
- Sunscreen Ingredients 233
- Components for washing powder 61
- Bath products 92
- Cleaning products 76
- Ingredients for alginate masks 36
- Shampoo Ingredients Wholesale 368
- Do-it-yourself perfume wholesale 1000
- Wholesale Chocolate Ingredients 39
- Components for washing powder wholesale 63
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Мастер классы, рецепты, советы
Крем для рук с церамидами: увлажнение и защита для нежной кожи
Статья рассказывает о важности церамидов для здоровья кожи рук, объясняет, как они работают и почему необходимы для поддержания защитного барьера. Представлены рецепты домашних кремов с церамидами, которые помогут справиться с сухостью, шелушением и другими проблемами.
Масло для душа: роскошное увлажнение и уход за кожей
Статья рассказывает о пользе масла для душа, его отличиях от гелей и мыла, преимуществах для сухой и чувствительной кожи. Представлены рецепты масел для душа с различными добавками (эфирные масла, травы, витамины) для решения конкретных проблем кожи (сухость, раздражение, потеря упругости).
Сыворотка от выпадения волос с пептидами: эффективный уход за волосами
Ищете эффективное средство от выпадения волос? Попробуйте домашние сыворотки с пептидами! В нашей статье вы найдете проверенные рецепты и советы по уходу за волосами.
Cosmetic Components by Purpose
Dive into the World of Soap-tastic Ingredients: Components by Purpose
Craft captivating concoctions or refine classic recipes with Soap Wholesale's treasure trove of soap-making components! We understand that navigating the vast universe of soap-making ingredients can be daunting, that's why we've categorized our components by their specific purpose. Get ready to unlock a world of cleansing, conditioning, lathering, and luxurious possibilities, all optimized for the discerning search engine in 2024.
1. Cleansing Champions:
- Base Builders: Explore our diverse selection of melt and pour bases, Castile soap bases, and organic soap bases, each with unique cleansing properties and textures.
- Surfactant Squad: Amplify your soap's cleansing power with gentle yet effective surfactants like Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate and Coco Glucoside.
- Exfoliating All-Stars: From pumice and poppy seeds to sea salt and oatmeal, add natural exfoliants for a touch of invigorating texture.
2. Conditioning Crusaders:
- Moisture Magicians: Pamper skin with luxurious oils like shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil, renowned for their hydrating properties.
- Creamy Companions: Indulge in the rich, creamy lather of butters like mango butter and cocoa butter, leaving skin feeling soft and smooth.
- Humectant Heroes: Attract and retain moisture with humectants like glycerin and honey, ensuring a long-lasting feeling of hydration.
3. Lather Legends:
- Bubble Builders: Whip up a luxurious lather with our selection of lather boosters like SCI and Cocamidopropyl Betaine.
- Texture Transformers: Create silky-smooth or fluffy lathers with the help of texturizers like rice bran oil and stearic acid.
- Lather Longevity Champions: Extend your soap's lather life with long-lasting lather agents like Behentrimonium Methosulfate.
4. Sensory Stars:
- Aromatic Adventures: Infuse your soap with captivating scents using essential oils, fragrance oils, or natural botanicals like lavender, lemongrass, or rose petals.
- Color Chameleons: Create vibrant swirls and stunning designs with our selection of natural and synthetic micas, oxides, and clays.
- Soothing Saviors: Add calming ingredients like oatmeal, aloe vera, or calendula for a touch of gentle care for sensitive skin.

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