Active Complexes
Actives and Peptides for Cosmetics
Amino Acids
Food Flavorings
Gelling Agents and Thickeners
Hydrosols and Floral Waters
Hydrolyzed Proteins
Fragrant and aromatic substances
Acids, Salts, Alcohols, and Alkalis
Preservatives and Antioxidants
Cosmetic Raw Materials
Dyes, Pearlescents, and Glitters
Face Masks, Scrubs, and Dried Flowers
Natural Base Oils for Cosmetics
Candle Supplies
Melt and Pour Soap Bases
Fragrance Oils
Peelings for Skin
Herbal Powders and Plant
Silicones and Conditioning Surfactants for Hair
Packaging for Cosmetics and Perfumes
Molds, Packaging, Tools
Organic Extracts
Emollients for Cosmetics
Essential Oils
- Acrylic paints Pebeo Pebeo (France), Croil Creul (Germany). Metallic enamels 6
- Weiners-molds for modeling flowers from polymer clay 19
- Liquid plastic gel, varnishes, plastic glue, softener. Potal 31
- Baked plastic for modeling dolls, sculptures, miniatures Living Doll, Fimo, Cernit, Ladoll LaDoll 12
- Pastel for coloring polymer clay, plastics, self-hardening masses 6
- High quality pigments Pearl Ex Pearl Pearl (USA) metal imitation in decor 36
- Fimo gift sets 21
- Polymer clay Fimo Air 8
- Polymer clay Fimo Air Microwave 2
- Polymer clay Fimo Air Natural 9
- Polymer clay Fimo Classic 20
- Polymer clay Fimo Effect 31
- Polymer clay Fimo Puppen 1
- Polymer clay Fimo Soft 20
- Polymer clay Fimo Soft set 5
- Polymer clay Jam Jam (Ukraine) 25
- Polymer Clay Plastic Craft and Clay 33
- Polymer clay plastic Pardo Pardo for jewelry 4
- Polymer clay plastic Cernit Cernit (Belgium, Darvi Darwi) 121
- Polymer clay Plastishka Bebik, LEMA (Poland) 86
- Polymer clay Sculpey Premo Premo Souffle Souffle Pluffy (USA) 58
- Polymer clay Fimo Kids Fimo Kids - for children and beginners 26
- Powders with a sparkling metallic effect Cernit Cernit Sparkling sparkling metallic 12
- Fimo Professional FimoProfessional 40
- Extruders. Sculpting tools. Rollers, knives for plastics 37
Polymer clay
Polymer Clay: Embody Your Creative Ideas with "Mylo Opt Ukraine"
Polymer clay is a wonderful material for creativity that allows you to bring your wildest ideas to life. It can be used to create beautiful and original jewelry, bijouterie, toys, figurines, посуд and much more. "Mylo Opt Ukraine" is pleased to offer a wide range of polymer clay wholesale to meet the needs of any craftsman.
Why choose "Mylo Opt Ukraine" for wholesale purchases of polymer clay?
- Wide range: We offer polymer clay of various colors, brands and textures from the best world manufacturers.
- High quality: All of our products meet the highest quality standards.
- Favorable prices: We offer competitive prices for polymer clay wholesale, as well as flexible discount systems for regular customers.
- Convenient terms of cooperation: We offer convenient payment and delivery methods, as well as qualified consultation from our managers.
Here are just some of the reasons why you can buy polymer clay wholesale at "Mylo Opt Ukraine":
- Wide range of creative possibilities: Polymer clay can be used to create a variety of different products, from simple jewelry to complex sculptures.
- Ease of use: Polymer clay is easy to mold, so it can be used by both experienced craftsmen and beginners.
- Safety: Polymer clay is a safe material that does not harm health.
- Availability: Polymer clay is an affordable material that can be bought at any craft store.
Thanks to its wide range, high quality and affordable prices, "Mylo Opt Ukraine" is the ideal partner for wholesale purchases of polymer clay.

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