Product catalog
Active Complexes
Actives and Peptides for Cosmetics
Amino Acids
Food Flavorings
Gelling Agents and Thickeners
Hydrosols and Floral Waters
Hydrolyzed Proteins
Fragrant and aromatic substances
Acids, Salts, Alcohols, and Alkalis
Preservatives and Antioxidants
Cosmetic Raw Materials
Dyes, Pearlescents, and Glitters
Face Masks, Scrubs, and Dried Flowers
Natural Base Oils for Cosmetics
Candle Supplies
Melt and Pour Soap Bases
Fragrance Oils
Peelings for Skin
Herbal Powders and Plant
Silicones and Conditioning Surfactants for Hair
Packaging for Cosmetics and Perfumes
Molds, Packaging, Tools
Organic Extracts
Emollients for Cosmetics
Essential Oils
Refine section
- Polymer clay 668
- Embroidery ribbons 7
- Ties for embroidery 39
- Plaster figures 396
- Wooden blanks 163
- Children's canvases 24
- Blanks for magnets 30
- Blanks for watches 29
- Blanks for boxes 33
- Bead embroidery kits 42
- Soap Kits 16
- Jewelry Crafting Kits 24
- Creator's Kit 70
- Kits for sewing dolls 41
- Sets of magnets for embroidery 225
- Sets of amulets 10
- Passport covers for embroidery 25
- Handle imprint, plaster legs 2
- Suction cups 6
- Painting on wood 13
- Painting on ceramics 9
- Painting on fabric 6
- Painting on canvas 31
- Earring Findings 7
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Мастер классы, рецепты, советы
Крем для рук с церамидами: увлажнение и защита для нежной кожи
Статья рассказывает о важности церамидов для здоровья кожи рук, объясняет, как они работают и почему необходимы для поддержания защитного барьера. Представлены рецепты домашних кремов с церамидами, которые помогут справиться с сухостью, шелушением и другими проблемами.
Масло для душа: роскошное увлажнение и уход за кожей
Статья рассказывает о пользе масла для душа, его отличиях от гелей и мыла, преимуществах для сухой и чувствительной кожи. Представлены рецепты масел для душа с различными добавками (эфирные масла, травы, витамины) для решения конкретных проблем кожи (сухость, раздражение, потеря упругости).
Сыворотка от выпадения волос с пептидами: эффективный уход за волосами
Ищете эффективное средство от выпадения волос? Попробуйте домашние сыворотки с пептидами! В нашей статье вы найдете проверенные рецепты и советы по уходу за волосами.
DIY Craft Kits and Supplies
Unleash Your Inner Artist: Creative Kits and Blanks from Soap Wholesale
Craft your own masterpieces with Soap Wholesale's treasure trove of creative kits and blanks! Whether you're a seasoned hobbyist or a curious beginner, we have everything you need to ignite your imagination and explore the joy of DIY.
Dive into endless possibilities:
- Soap Making Bliss: Craft your own luxurious soaps with melt and pour bases, molds, colorants, fragrances, and botanicals. From whimsical shapes to sophisticated swirls, design soaps that are as unique as you are.
- Candlelit Ambiance: Infuse your home with the warm glow of candlelight. Discover soy wax flakes, wicks, essential oils, and stunning jars to create personalized candles that fill your space with captivating scents.
- Bath & Body Bonanza: Whip up delightful bath bombs, fizzy bath salts, and pampering scrubs with our curated kits. Add a touch of luxury with natural ingredients and essential oils, creating spa-worthy experiences at home.
- Artful Expression: Unleash your artistic flair with our selection of unpainted wooden blanks. Paint, decoupage, or embellish decorative boxes, picture frames, and ornaments to add a personal touch to your home décor.
Soap Wholesale goes beyond just supplies:
- Expert Guidance: Access a wealth of online tutorials, tips, and tricks to guide you through every step of your creative journey.
- Unbeatable Quality: Indulge in premium-grade ingredients and materials that ensure stunning results and long-lasting enjoyment.
- Endless Inspiration: Browse our curated collections and discover unique project ideas to spark your creativity.

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