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Патчи Фруктовый сад
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Бельди Сладкий миндаль
В этой статье мы расскажем вам все о том, как приготовить домашнее бельди с миндалем. Вы узнаете о его полезных свойствах, ингредиентах, необходимых для приготовления, и пошаговой инструкции. Кроме того, мы поделимся различными вариациями рецептов, чтобы вы могли создать бельди, идеально подходящее именно вашей коже.
Гамаш Карамельная нуга
Гамаш Карамельная нуга
Карамельная нуга – это не только вкусное лакомство, но и кладезь полезных веществ для кожи и волос. В ее составе содержатся натуральные сахара, белки, витамины и минералы, которые питают и увлажняют кожу, делают ее более эластичной и сияющей. Кроме того, карамельная нуга обладает антиоксидантными свойствами, защищая кожу от негативного воздействия окружающей среды.
Product Description

Coffee Blossom Essential Oil (Coffea Arabica): A Refreshing and Energizing Infusion for Your Cosmetic Creations

Mylo Opt, your one-stop shop for all things cosmetic crafting in Ukraine, is thrilled to introduce Coffee Blossom Essential Oil (Coffea Arabica)! This invigorating oil, extracted from the delicate blossoms of the coffee plant, boasts a unique aromatic profile and a wealth of potential benefits for your DIY skincare and cosmetic creations.

Introduction to Coffee Blossom Essential Oil

Unlike the more commonly known Coffee Bean Essential Oil, Coffee Blossom Essential Oil is a rarer and more precious extract. It's obtained through a meticulous process of steam distillation from the delicate white flowers of the Coffea Arabica plant. This results in a lighter, more floral aroma compared to the robust, roasted scent of Coffee Bean Essential Oil.

Chemical Composition and Therapeutic Properties

Coffee Blossom Essential Oil is a complex blend of various aromatic compounds, with some of the most prominent ones being:

  • Linalool: This calming and floral alcohol contributes to the oil's fresh and slightly sweet aroma. It also possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • Benzyl Alcohol: This naturally occurring compound acts as a preservative and contributes to the oil's slightly balsamic scent. It may also offer mild antiseptic properties.
  • Esters: These fragrant molecules provide the oil's sweet and fruity notes. They are known for their mood-lifting and relaxing effects.

Due to its unique chemical makeup, Coffee Blossom Essential Oil is believed to offer a range of potential therapeutic benefits when used topically and diluted in cosmetic formulations. These include:

  • Uplifting and Energizing: The invigorating aroma of Coffee Blossom Oil can help combat fatigue, improve alertness, and elevate mood.
  • Skin Soothing and Antioxidant: The presence of linalool may contribute to the oil's calming and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in soothing irritated skin. Additionally, the oil's antioxidant content may help protect the skin from free radical damage.
  • Astringent and Toning: Coffee Blossom Oil's properties might help refine pores, minimize the appearance of fine lines, and improve skin tone.

Safety Considerations and Contraindications

As with all essential oils, Coffee Blossom Oil should never be used undiluted on the skin. It's crucial to dilute it properly with a carrier oil like Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, or Grapeseed Oil before topical application. A recommended dilution ratio for cosmetic use typically falls between 1-2% (1-2 drops of essential oil per 100mL of carrier oil).

It's also important to note that some individuals may experience skin sensitivity with Coffee Blossom Oil. It's always recommended to perform a patch test on a small area of your inner forearm before using it in larger quantities. Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as individuals with certain medical conditions, should consult a healthcare professional before using Coffee Blossom Essential Oil.

Coffee Blossom Essential Oil in Cosmetic Applications

The invigorating and potentially beneficial properties of Coffee Blossom Essential Oil make it a versatile ingredient for a variety of cosmetic creations. Here are some inspiring ideas to get you started:

  • Energizing Skincare Products: Formulate a refreshing facial mist or toner by incorporating Coffee Blossom Oil into a base of witch hazel or hydrolate. This can help awaken the senses and leave the skin feeling revitalized.
  • Uplifting Body Care Products: Create an invigorating body scrub by combining Coffee Blossom Oil with ground coffee beans, sugar, and a carrier oil. This energizing scrub can help stimulate circulation and leave the skin feeling smooth and refreshed.
  • Antioxidant-Rich Serums: Formulate a lightweight serum rich in antioxidants by blending Coffee Blossom Oil with Vitamin E oil and your favorite carrier oil. This serum can help protect the skin from environmental damage and promote a youthful appearance.
  • Mood-Boosting Bath Blends: Create a luxurious and uplifting bath experience by adding a few drops of Coffee Blossom Oil to your bathwater along with carrier oils and Epsom salts. This can help ease fatigue, elevate mood, and promote relaxation.
  • Invigorating Hair Care Products: Add a touch of Coffee Blossom Oil to your DIY shampoo or conditioner to potentially stimulate the scalp, promote healthy hair growth, and leave hair feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Important Note: When formulating cosmetic products with essential oils, it's crucial to research and ensure compatibility with other ingredients. Additionally, essential oils can degrade over time, so it's recommended to use them within a reasonable timeframe and store them properly in a cool, dark place.

Application Add a few drops to a diffuser or aroma lamp for aromatherapy. Use as a lotion or massage oil. Add a few drops to your bath. Use as an ingredient in homemade cosmetics.
Packaging container for transportation
View liquid
Type natural
Solubility oil, alcohol, ether
Purpose Coffee flower essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to enhance mood, relieve stress, and improve cognitive function. Its sweet, floral scent can be both relaxing and stimulating. For skin: Coffee flower essential oil can be used as a lotion or massage oil to improve skin condition. It contains antioxidants that can help protect skin from damage caused by free radicals. Coffee flower essential oil can also help reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. Coffee flower essential oil can be used as an ingredient in homemade lotions, creams, soaps, and candles. It gives cosmetics a pleasant aroma and has beneficial properties for the skin.
Properties Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Stimulating Diuretic Improves blood circulation Calms nerves Cheers up Strengthens hair Improves skin condition
Packing 100 ml
Name Coffee Blossom Essential Oil (Coffea Arabica), 100 ml
Aroma Coffee flower essential oil has a sweet, floral aroma with notes of chocolate and vanilla.
Minimum count 1
INCI Coffea arabica flowers Oil
Features All information presented on the site is for reference only
Dosage Aromatherapy: 3-5 drops per diffuser or aroma lamp. Lotion or massage oil: 10 drops per 1 ounce of carrier oil. Bath: 10-15 drops in the bath. Homemade Cosmetics: 3-5 drops per 1 ounce of product.
Color product corresponding
Valid until 10.2025
Reviews (8) Add a review
Product rating:
  • Date:
    9 March 2024
    Аделаида, Вознесенск

    Цей магазин просто рай для любителів домашньої косметики! Тут є все, що потрібно для створення своїх унікальних косметичних засобів. Ціни приємні, а якість продуктів бездоганна.

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  • Date:
    1 January 1970
    Георгина, Лозанна

    Замовляю тут інгредієнти вже не перший раз, завжди все на вищому рівні. Рекомендую цей магазин усім!

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  • Date:
    1 January 1970
    Мелания, Раздельная

    Очень удобный сайт и быстрая доставка.

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  • Date:
    1 January 1970
    Людмила, Загреб

    Це магазин, де завжди можна знайти щось нове та цікаве. Асортимент постійно поповнюється.

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  • Date:
    6 April 2024
    Ангелина, Перемышляны

    Прекрасный выбор и быстрая доставка.

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  • Date:
    1 January 1970
    Ізабелла, Орджоникидзе

    Прекрасный ассортимент и цены.

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  • Date:
    1 January 1970
    Олена, Кам'янець-Подільський

    Доставка на стандартном уровне.

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  • Date:
    5 September 2024
    Анна, Николаев

    Спасибо большое все получила

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