Product Description
Pepper Concentrate Extract: the burning power for your beauty!
Discover the secrets of beauty and health with Pepper Concentrate Extract!
Pepper Concentrate Extract is a natural product rich in vitamins, minerals, and capsaicin, which give your skin and hair incredible strength, beauty, and health.
Benefits of Pepper Concentrate Extract:
- Stimulates hair growth: activates dormant follicles, fights hair loss.
- Strengthens hair: makes hair stronger, thicker and shinier.
- Improves blood circulation: nourishes the skin and hair, stimulates metabolic processes.
- Warms: has a warming effect,
- Has antioxidant effect: protects against free radicals, slows down aging.
- Fights cellulite: breaks down fat deposits,
Properties of Pepper Concentrate Extract:
- Fat-soluble: easily added to oil-based cosmetic recipes.
- Thermostable: retains its properties when heated.
- Safe: suitable for all skin types,
Application of Pepper Concentrate Extract in cosmetics:
- Shampoos and hair balms: stimulate hair growth, strengthen hair, fight dandruff.
- Hair masks: nourish, strengthen,
- Face creams and gels: tone,
- Face masks:
- Cleansers:
- Hand and body creams:
Pepper Concentrate Extract is your path to flawless beauty!
Order Pepper Concentrate Extract from Mylo Opt online store and give your skin and hair the power of nature!
Why choose Mylo Opt:
- Wide range: over 50000 items for soap making and cosmetics.
- High quality: all products are certified.
- Affordable prices: good deals for wholesale and retail buyers.
- Fast delivery: shipping of orders on the day of payment.
- Convenient service: consultations of specialists, online ordering, various payment methods.
Mylo Opt is your reliable partner in the world of beauty!
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